Friday, June 18, 2010

How I was banned from Aspria La Rasante for no good reason

The director at La Rasante banned me, on April 30th, five weeks ago without meeting me first and without giving me a specific reason for five weeks. He just kicked me, the unhappy customer, out and left on holiday for ten days. Instructions were given not to let me in and let no one answer my questions in substance in his absence. Elegant!

After ten days I received a wishy-washy email from the Director. "in view of your behavior yesterday" or something similarly vague. For 5 weeks I asked for specificity.

On June 4th, Aspria's GOD (Group Operations Director, no kidding, that's the title), some very, very big shot in London first told me why: first because I had complained in emails about Shoegazer's incompetence at handling the court reservation incident mentionned in the previous message. Second, because I also had told him in person I was not satisfied with his performance and rude manners with me.

At least, that's what I understand from this very powerful man's sms-like answer. It is rather vague, so it's guessing rather than certainty. Here it is:

Jon Brady []
Sent: Friday, June 04, 2010 1:48 PM
To: PELAYO Jean-Charles (ENTR); xxx
Cc: Patrick Devleeschouwer; Serge Mauquoy; xxx
RE: Win-win or lose-lose

My previous email stands. I will not have members of my staff spoken to, or of, in a manner such that you have chosen to use, other people have rights as well and based on the terms and conditions of membership, your membership is denied.


Jon Brady
Group Operations Director
The Aspria Collection of Clubs
Europes Finest Spas and Family Sporting Clubs
M: +44 77100 84275
D: +44 20 8944 4075 /

Previously they held different other lines, notably that they were a private club. 

I do not know exactly if they think that being private means that they do not have to discuss and motivate such decisions first. In my book, they have to, otherwise it is an abuse of power.

Since then they must have had some legal counsel telling them to stop playing with fire.
Time will tell ...

Conclusion:  watch out, Aspria La Rasante is a private club!


  1. Dear Jean-Charles,

    I hope you realise that from the Commission point of view this blog is unacceptable. Please remove it a.s.a.p.


    Colette C.

  2. You are posting anonymous comments. This disqualifies you totally. Shame on you.

  3. Cher Jean Charles,

    Moi aussi je suis anonyme sur ce blog mais je trouve vos remarques très justes et j'approuve ce que vous faites. Je suis membre du club Industrie Aspria. Certains membres du personnel dont adorables, d'autres sont faux, antipathiques, et puants par leur comportement.

    Courage à vous dans votre combat,
    J'espère que vous obtiendrez réparation au plus vite.


  4. Merci,
    Charles, j'hesitais entre Aspria et David LLoyd.
    Si les prix sont selectifs, je pensais me rattraper sur la qualite en terme de networking, de services client et d'infrastructure. Finalement, je prendrais un abonnement a un club plus normal i.e. health city dont les tarifs mon l'air plus competitif :

    Je pense pouvoir negocier plus bas que le tarifs employe ce qui serait 3 fois moins cher que certain club uppee mais avec un acces a des salles partout dans le monde. Pour le networking, la piscine et le tenis, j'irais ailleurs d'ailleurs le golf

    @Colette C., I think the Comission have no opinion on personal activities of their employee. They have a reserve duty only on activities related to their work and this is not the case here. Moreover, your threat just give me the desire to propose my legal help for free to Charles. Becarefull of public threats they are punished as hard as non-digital ones.
